Northwest Maritime Apprenticeship Committee
Matt Hardin
Bruce Morey
Owen Brown
Jen Haaland
Mark Crandell
Lucas MacDonald
Patrick Schjelderup
Mike Van Buskirk
Sierra Oliver
Program Director
Deb Granger
Outreach Coordinator
Subject Matter Experts
David Frye
Helvi Gemmer
Parker Armstrong
Elias Jordan
Jon Robitaille
Bob Jorgenson
Peter Lamb
Matthew Robinson
Dave Hartford
Aaron Bandstra
Dave Jennings
David Atwater
Dave Carnehan
Jeff Sokolik
Bronson Lamb
Eric Leonhardt
Sean Madden
Andrew Morris
Derek Geer
Chris Baker
Derick Kalt
Robert Maw
Interested in Being an Instructor?
The NW Maritime Apprenticeship welcomes participation from industry experts as we seek to enhance and expand this Marine Service Technician training program.
Instructor Training is available! We realize that while you are an expert in your trade, actually teaching your area of expertise may be a new venture. The hands-on train-the-trainer workshops help you gain comfort in successfully teaching your craft.
We gratefully acknowledge financial and programmatic support from many partners.
The Northwest Maritime Apprenticeship is thankful for all support as we work
together to train professional Marine Service Technicians.
Because the Northwest Maritime Apprenticeship operates as a program of the Whatcom Working Waterfront Foundation, a 501c-3 organization, contributions to the Foundation and the Apprenticeship program are tax deductible in accordance with the IRS Tax Code.
The Whatcom Working Waterfront Foundation receives support and funding from a U.S. Department of Labor Category 4 Apprenticeship Building America Grant, visit: